Part 4: Chapter 4: Create
Chapter 4: Create
Loading Excerpt- Personal Logs, C. Bartel
We're still in Rakshek at the moment. At a local restaurant I met one of Luca's friends.

This is Skycat. She's a waitress at this shop.

It's her nickname, as the face of the shop. Her real name is Lelina.

Oh, but Master, you're special, so you can call me Lelina all you want.

W-what, Master, come here!
He's not some gigolo, is he?

I've told you about him a few times before, haven't I?

I've heard a few stories about you.

Why didn't you tell him about me?

But, you're so cute, I love playing around with you.

Then, Croix. Would you like to be my lover?

So it's okay, right Master?

We were still days from our meeting with Leglius, and hiding out in Rakshek just wasn't safe. We really needed to head out to Luca's place in the frontier, but Lady Cloche seemed dead set against it last time.

We can hide in Rakshek until then...

It's in Mint Block, in the countryside, so it'll be harder to find!
And Croix... it's been a long time, so I want to spend time with you...
Oh, b-but that's not that important!

So it's fine, we'll go to her house.

But nothing ever goes smoothly. We ran into some people Luca knows from work, and they had some bad news for us.

And hi to you, too, Nana!
Nana: Hello. Hehe, you're so energetic and cute, as always.

Mrs. Lahr: Perfect timing. Give this to your mother. It's a present.

Mrs. Lahr: Please, we're in her debt anyway.
Nana: Oh, by the way, how many therapy sessions do you have today?

Nana: That was fast!
Mrs. Lahr: I'm glad I can always rely on you to refer our new customers to.

Mrs. Lahr: Oh my, is he the one you're always talking about?

Mrs. Lahr: Ah hah, pretty handsome.
Nana: Hi there. I'm Nana, and also a therapist. But my sessions are... different.
I'll do a lot more kinky stuff, you know? Hehe. Wanna go for a whirl?

Nana: Hehe, I'm just kidding. I wouldn't do that to Luca's boyfriend.
Oh, and since you're a knight, stay away from the station for now.

Mrs. Lahr: Those blue Sacred Army guys took over the station and railways.
I wonder what's going on.

Mrs. Lahr: Just looking out for my girls. Be careful.

Nana: Say Mrs. Lahr, didn't that girl in the back look like Our Lady of Holy Maidens?
Mrs. Lahr: You thought so, too? I didn't want to bring it up if no one else noticed!
Nana: But then again...
Mrs. Lahr: Our Lady would never walk around a dirty town like this...
Nana: Seriously! Hehehe... She's so like the type to ignore places like this.
With no train, there was only one way to get to Mint Block.

I sometimes have to walk home when I run out of money for the train.

*ahem * No, that's fine. Though, we should hurry.
Our troubles kept compounding. I got a report as we started on our way that a rogue I.P.D. had been detected nearby!

System: Emergency, emergency! Strong I.P.D. positive reaction detected in the Souffle Axis area!
All members in the area report to the scene immediately, and execute containment mission!
I repeat, strong I.P.D. positive reaction detected in Souffle Axis area...

To abandon this is an action that is equal to treason! Now hurry and perform your mission!

Feinne's Fourth Wall Lectures:
So now we're introduced to I.P.D. containment. In the upper right corner of the screen the I.P.D. radar will show up. If there are I.P.D.s in the region, it will either be green, orange, or red. The color tells us how close we are to the nearest I.P.D. When it's red, there's an I.P.D. in an adjacent area of the region. When we attempt to enter that area, we'll get an analysis of our chances against the I.P.D. and some information about what we'll be up against. I.P.D.s vary in level from one to nine, and often have other monsters assisting them. It's possible to turn back and avoid the fight, and we'll want to do this sometimes because there are some early 'fuck you' I.P.D.s that are around level seven and will destroy us in a couple of turns. Defeating I.P.D.s doesn't give us experience or items, but we'll get something out of defeating them later on. We can get a count of how many I.P.D.s are in a region, and also readouts of where I.P.D.s of appropriate level for us to fight have been sighted. That's all there is to it right now. Track down as many I.P.D.s as you can and purify them.
The path to Mint Block was tough, and Lady Cloche still seemed a bit under the weather. We're going to stop at the General Store. I just hope she doesn't get mad.

If we rush from the start, we'll be too tired to reach our destination.

Loading Excerpt- The Melody of Metafalica, C. Pastalia, L. Trulyworth.
Of course in those days I hadn't ever experienced how regular people lived. Being locked away in a palace will do that to a person. I'd never really had anyone I could call a friend until our journey back to Pastalia.

I try really hard to never forget any of my customers' faces, but...
I couldn't remember the last time I'd gone somewhere and not been recognized. Not being treated as special... it was a rare privilege.

You must be tired. I'll make you some good tea. Please relax over there!
Oh, umm... please don't look too much! It's so rundown, I'm embarrassed!

The other day, some kids came because they thought it was a haunted house...

But, I'm sorry. I wanted you to relax for a while, but I need to close shop.

Tomorrow is my grandma's birthday, so I gotta go to Rakshek to buy a cake!

Besides, we're just going to go buy a cake.
I wasn't even sure then why I wanted to help her so badly, I just couldn't let her suffer so. It was time to head to Rakshek.

Luckily, Luca had an idea where we could find something that would work.

Oh, I know! I think they make cakes at Bonbertan!

When we reached the restaurant, we learned we could have the cake for free. Of course there was a catch...

If I remember, this shop serves dessert too...

Well then, go get the ingredients here.

When you gather them all, come talk to me again.
We found the items needed to make the cake. It seemed like everything was going well, until Skycat made a suggestion.

Oh I know! Master, why don't you make it with me? It's been a while.

Player Input: Please teach me!

Synthesis is about using two different items to create something completely different.
For example, you know how you can take potatoes and meat and make curry?
It's just like that. All you need is ingredients, and you'll be able to make something or another.

Feinne's Fourth Wall Lectures:
Item synthesis is a key feature of basically all of Gust's games, and Ar Tonelico 2 is no exception. To synthesize we need materials and a recipe card. There are four stores we can synthesize at, and each has a different 'menu' of items we can create. What item is created depends on which Reyvateil is assisting the shopkeeper in creating the item. Not everyone can assist at every shop, for example Cloche can't cook and therefore can't help at Bonbertan. Sometimes very different items can be created from the same recipe. Synthesis is vital to our success in the game, as field upgrades to gear are sometimes hard to come by. It's important to visit the stores we can synthesize at often, as that's how we are supplied with most of our new recipes. There's also scenes with the characters which will lead to powerful accessories for Croix and each Reyvateil, so keep visiting until you don't get a scene when you enter every so often in the game.
I say this in full knowledge that she's going to read my chapters of this: Luca is not a good cook. It is important that the reader understand that every time she steps into a kitchen crimes against food come out.

We took the disappointing 'cake' back to Sasha.


Thank you very much for making this for me.

Sasha, you're such an amazingly good child...

That was the first day in so many that I really felt happy...

Oooh! To show you my thanks... It's not much, but please take this.
System Message: Recipe for Bomb Specs has been added.

But, it's um, lonely working here by myself, so... um...
...If it's okay... I was wondering if Sister Clo can synthesize with me...

...Um, then, I still have a few things to do, so I'll be in the back!
There's ice cream over there so have some and rest a while. Buh-bye!
I was still feeling quite unwell, so a rest was just what I needed.

Your hair thingy turns into a baton. That's creative! Hehe.

Next Time on Ar Tonelico 2: Mother